Republic of the Philippines)
City of __________________ )SS
I, (NAME OF AFFIANT), single/married, of legal age, Filipino, residing at (Address of Affiant), after being duly sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and say that:
1. I finished my secondary (high school) education at the (NAME OF SCHOOL) and graduated thereat in (Year of Graduation);
2. As such, I was issued a high school diploma by the said school;
3. Last (Date of discovery of loss), I discovered the loss of the said high school diploma from among my belongings;
4. Efforts were exerted to locate and recover the said high school diploma, but in spite of diligent search, the same cannot be located and is now beyond recovery;
5. In the event that the said high school diploma should hereafter be found or recovered, I undertake to forward or surrender the same to the said school, for its appropriate disposal;
6. I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing and to support a request for replacement copy of the abovementioned diploma in connection with my application for employment abroad.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this (Date of Signing), at (Place of Signing), Philippines.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this (Date of Signing) in Cebu City, affiant exhibiting to me his competent evidence of identity by way of: (ID Details).
Doc. No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of _____.